520 Assembly Proceedings, July 11-August 8, 1732.
nor the Justices of the Provincial or County Courts, nor the Mayor,
Recorder, and Aldermen, of the City of Annapolis, be capable of
acting in their respective Stations, without having first taken the
said Oath, as their proper Oath of Office, in Manner aforesaid.
Provided, That if the Judges in the High Court of Appeals, Pro-
vincial Courts, and Courts of Assize, County Courts, and Mayors
Court of Annapolis, take the said Oath, at any Time before they
proceed to the Judicial Determination of any Matters of Law, in
their respective Courts, the same shall be taken as a full Compliance
with the Directions of this Act; any thing herein before contained
to the contrary, notwithstanding.
Chap. VI
An Act for the erecting a Town on the South Side of Chester River,
in Queen Anne's County, for laying in Lots, Sixty Acres of Land,
at the Mouth of the South-East Branch, on the South Side thereof,
on a Point of Land, known by the Name of Hawkins's Prize
House Point.
Whereas several of the Inhabitants of Queen Anne's County,
have, by their Petition to this General Assembly, set forth, That a
Town is much wanting on the South Side of Chester River, and that
it is generally agreed, that That Part of a Tract of Land whereon
John Hawkins now lives, and supposed to be the Right of John
Hawkins, Junior, Son to the aforesaid John Hawkins; which said
Tract is commonly known by the Name of Tully's Delight,
Be it therefore Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Gov-
ernor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That Mr. Edward Wright, Mr. William
Hemsley, Mr. Solomon Clayton, Mr. Thomas-Hynson Wright, and
Mr. Augustine Thompson, or any Three of them, shall be and are
hereby appointed Commissioners for Queen Anne's County aforesaid,
and are hereby authorized and impowered, as well to agree for the
buying and purchasing Sixty Acres of Land, out of the Tract afoic-
said, and such Part, not exceeding Sixty Acres, as lies most con-
venient to the Water, as for surveying and laying the same out, in
the most convenient Manner, into Sixty equal Lots to be erected into
a Town.
p. 6
And be it further Enacted, That the Commissioners aforesaid
herein before nominated and appointed, or the Major Part of them,
are hereby impowered sometime before the last Day of October,
which shall be in the Year of our Lord God One Thousand Seven
Hundred and Thirty Two, to meet together on the Tract of Land
aforesaid, or some other convenient Place thereto; and shall then and
there treat and agree with the Owner or Owners, and Persons, in-
terested in the said Sixty Acres of Land, for the same, and after Pur-
chase thereof, shall cause the same to be surveyed, laid out, and