Knight Naval Officer at the head of the Bay has rendered any Ac-
count to the Treasurers for Duties bv him received, All which is
reported by your Committee that the house may doe therein as they
shall see fit.
Signed p Order. Rich. Dorsey Cl. Com.
Resolved that this House will not proceed on any New Business
this Session.
The House Adjourns untill two of the Clock in the Afternoon.
Friday Afternoon
The House met according to Adjournment, The Members were
Called and all Present as in the Morning.
An Ingrossed bill Entituled an Act for the Speedy recovery of
small Debts out of Court before a Single Justice of the Peace, And
the Ingrossed bill Entituled an Act for the Assessment of Sixty
thousand Pounds of Tobacco on the Taxable Inhabitants of Dur-
ham Parish &c. Severally read & Assented to, And sent to the Upper
House by Coll Ward and Cap" Hopewell, Who return and say they
Delivered the same
Collo Tilghman and Collo Ward from the Upper House Delivered
MT Speaker the following Message and the bill Entituled an Act
for making and Emitting Seventy two thousand pounds Paper Cur-
rency Indorsed thus
By the Upper House of Assembly 2d Augt 1732.
Read the first time & Ordered to Lye on the Table.
Signed p Order. J Ross Cl. Up. Ho.