out of this Province, And the bill Entituled an Act for raising a
Duty of three half pence p Hogshead on all Tobo Exported out of
this Province towards the Encouragement of the Publick .Schools
within this Province. Severally Indorsed thus.
By the Upper House of Assembly 2d Augt 1732.
Read the first time and ordered to Lye on the Table.
Signed p order J Ross Cl. Up. Ho.
And thus, [See page 424.]
Michael Howard Esqr from the Upper House Delivered to Mr
Speaker the bill Entituled an Act for the Releif of James Gibson &c.
And the bill Entituled an Act for the releif of Robert Brooks &c.
And the following Message. [The text of this message is printed at
page 424.]