sistent in General with the Design of the Bill seeing the prisoners
are to be discharged from every Creditor Save the Sheriff and from
him after Delivery of their Effects for the Space of two years in
which time by their Honest Industry they may be Enabled to get
some Subsistence for their familys if any and discharge the residue
of the Debts due to the Sheriffs who We conceive in Justice ought
to have his Imprisonment fees so secured seeing the many and great
Hazards He runs by Escapes being Subject in such case to pay the
whole Debt the Prisoner is in Arrear for, it is further to be Con-
sidered the great Expence they are at in finding them with Provisions
which makes the Act of Parliament you mention no Example to the
Legislature here in regard the Sheriffs in England Do not Support
their Prisoners who live on the Charity of the People or their own
Effects nor is there any Example that We know of in any the Neigh-
bouring Colonys where Sheriffs by Account of Legislation have
suffered as the Sheriffs of this Province from time to time have done
which we conceive to be highly Injurious in respect to the difference
between them and other Creditors the Imprisonment of the Debtor
being Voluntary in the One and Compulsary in respect to the other
and therefore this House Insists on the Bill passing with the Amend-
ments proposed and for further Reasons refers you to the Sheriffs
Petition herewith Sent
Signed p Order John Ross Cl. Up. Ho.
Six Engrossed bills from the Lower House by Mr Elliot and Mr
Blackistone, One Entituled An Act to Confirm two Deeds of Sale the
One from George Oldfield and Petronella his Wife the other from
Richard Carr Son and Heir at Law to a certain John Carr of Cecil
County deceased to Casparus Augustine Herman another Entituled
An Act for the naturalization of John Henrickson a Native of Rot-
terdam in Holland now an Inhabitant of Kent County in Maryland
and John Samuel Rachel Mary Mildred Margaret Martha Rebecca
Hannah and Ruth Children of the aforesaid John Henrickson
Another Entituled A Supplementary Act to the Act Entituled An
Act for the Advancement of Justice Another Entituled Act for the
laying out the Town anew commonly called Chester Town in Kent
County and for Ascertaining the bounds thereof, Another Entituled
An Act to cut off an Entail of a Tract of Land called Marshes Seat
lying in Ann Arrundel County and to Invest William Vernon with
an Estate in Fee Simple in the said Tract of Land and to settle a
Parcel of Land being part of Three Tracts of Land called Happy
Choice Clarks Groves and the Addition to Clarks Groves lying in
Prince Georges County on Thomas Knighton and the Heirs of his
Body in Lieu thereof another Entituled An Act to Record a Deed of