For the Negative
Waughop Dulany Hawkins Hamilton
Read Hammond Edmondson Sheredine
Jordan Warfeild Needles Magruder
Blackistone Mackall Herman Crabb
Willson Skinner George . Sprigg
Howard Courts Wood Belt
Hall Middleton Mathews Cumming
Beale Hanson Scott Elliott
The Petition of Christ Church Parish in Calvert County read
and Granted.
Phillip Lee Esqr from the Upper House Delivered to Mr Speaker
the bill Entituled an Act to repeale an Act Rntituled an Act for the
Releif of the Devisees of James Phillips the Elder &c. Indorsed thus,
By the Upper House of Assembly July 20th 1732.
Read the first time and Ordered to Lye on the Table
Signed p Order J Ross Cl. Up. Ho.