By the Upper house of Assembly 5th August 1732
His Excellency the Governor in a paper directed to this house
having recommended an Amendment to the Act for Regulating the
Militia in this Province & likewise that some Care should be taken
for cleaning & preserving the Arms & other Utensils of Warr lodged
in the severall Counties which cannot be Effectually done but by
an Act of Assembly for that purpose, We therefore propose that a
short Bill be prepared impowering the Captain Lieutenant & Ensign
or any two of them to impose & Levy fines on any of the Souldiers
not performing their Duty; This being the Defect complayned of
in the Militia Law, and for raising the three pence p hhd on Tobacco
for furnishing Arms & Ammunition in this Province part of which
may be Applyed towards Cleansing & preserving the Arms &c in the
severall Countys and the remaining part to such other uses as shall
be thought necessary for the Common Safety with which if your
House Concurs a bill may be prepared accordingly.
Signed p Order John Ross Cl. Up. Ho.
Read the second time the bill Entituled an Act for the Assesment
of so much Tobacco on the Inhabitants of St Paul's parish in Prince
Georges County &c ordered to be thus Endorsed [See Lower House