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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, May, 1730-August, 1732
Volume 37, Page 403   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 403

Michael Howard Esqr is sent to the lower house to Acquaint them
his Excellency requires their Attendance with their Speaker to se[e]

the Act past Entituled An Act for the Continuance of St Marys
County Court Baltemore County Court & Talbot County Court from
the first Tuesday of August untill the first Tuesday in November
Next and for the further Continuance of Causes in the sd Courts
receive the Assent
The whole House attend and by their Speaker present to His Ex-
cellency the aforementioned Act, which was Signed & Assented to
by his Excellency the Governor on behalfe of the Right Honoble the
Lord Proprietary and sealed with his Lordships Great Seale at Arms
The Speaker and the house withdrew
Read the second time the Bill Entituled an Act for the Assesment
of One Hundred Thousand pounds of Tobacco on the Taxable In-
habitants of Christ Church parish in Calvert County &c. Ordered to
be thus Endorsed

By the Upper House of Assembly 29th July 1732

Read the Second time & will pass.
Signed p Order John Ross Cl. Up. Ho.

Sent by George Plater Esqr
Read the second time the bill Entituled an Act for the Erecting a
Town at the head of Wicocomoco River in Somerset County &c.
ordered to be thus Endorsed

U. H. J

By the Upper house of Assembly 29th July 1732

Read the Second time & will pass with the following Amendments,
that in 6th line of 3d page the word wilfully, to be left out & in 8th line
of 6th page the words, to be, be left out and that the words in the same
line, shall pay yearly, to the words, for each of the said Lotts, in 10th
line of the same page be left out, and the following words incerted ;
shall be Chargeable with and lyable to the payment of one penny
Currt Money of Maryland p Ann. for each Lott to the Right Honoble
the Lord Proprietary & his heires for ever
Signed p Order John Ross Cl. Up. Ho.

Sent by Philip Lee Esqr
Read the second time the bill Entituled an Act to Enable the Clerk
of Calvert County to Record a Deed of bargain & Sale from Richard
Smith to Roger Boyce & to make the same Valid, ordered to be thus

By the Upper House of Assembly 29th July 1732

Read the second time & will not pass.
Signed p Order John Ross Cl Up Ho.

p. 203

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, May, 1730-August, 1732
Volume 37, Page 403   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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