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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, May, 1730-August, 1732
Volume 37, Page 392   View pdf image (33K)
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392 Assembly Proceedings, July 11-August 8, 1732.

U. H. J.

Read and Assented to by this House & ordered to be so Subscribed,
the paper bill so Endorsed is sent to the Lower House by Col
The following Message being prepared is sent to the Lower House
by Michael Howard Esqr

By the Upper House of Assembly 26th July 1732
On reading and Considering the bill sent up from Your House by
Mr Hemsley and Mr Sheredine for Regulating Officers fees in this
Province, some objections have been made in our House against
the passing that bill not easily reconcileable by Messages between the
Two Houses, We therefore propose that a Conferrence be Appointed
to Settle that Affair, with which if your House Concurs be pleased
to Appoint such Members as you think fitt to Joyn with some of the
Members of our house for that purpose,
Signed p Order John Ross Cl. Up. Ho.

The following Message being prepared is sent to the Lower House
by Col Rider

p. 191

By the Upper House of Assembly 26th July 1732
It is not to be doubted but that the Importation of Industrious
Laborious People into this Province is a Real Benefit thereto, We
therefore recommend to Your Consideration whether it be not

Adviseable to Repeal the Act Laying an Imposition on Negroes

and on severall Sorts of Liquors, imported and alsoe on Irish Ser-
vants to prevent the Importing too great a Number of Irish
Papists into this Province so far as relates to the Importation of Irish
Protestants especially considering that the Title of the said Act seems
to Intend only to prevent the growth of Popery within this Province :
As the case now stands the Duty Arising therefrom is very inconsider-
able and we apprehend was the Duty taken off, those usefull People
would as well repair to this Province as to that of Pensilvania.
Signed p Order John Ross Cl. Up. Ho.

A Message from the Lower House by Mr Beal and five more.

By the Lower House of Assembly July 26th 1732
May it Please Your Honours.
We have Considered your Message of this day by Michael Howard
Esqr and Appointed Messrs John Beal Joshua George, Philip Ham-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, May, 1730-August, 1732
Volume 37, Page 392   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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