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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, May, 1730-August, 1732
Volume 37, Page 388   View pdf image (33K)
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388 Assembly Proceedings, July 11-August 8, 1732.

U H. J.

Read the first time in this House & ordered to lye on the Table
Read the Bill Entituled An Act for the Tryal of all matters of
fact in the severall Countys where they have Arisen or shall Arise
the Continuance of Causes in the Provincial Court and Adjourn-
ment of that Court, & ordered to be thus Endorsed

By the Upper House of Assembly 24th July 1732

Read the second time and will pass with the following Amend-
ments Viz. that in 3d line of 3d page the word third, be left out, and
that the time of Notice in 13th line of 4th page be fourteen days instead
of Ten, and the word Ten, instead of Twenty be inserted in fifth
line of fifth page, and in 12th line of the same page, between, Assize,
and Oyer, the word of, be put in, 9th line of loth page the word from,
be incerted before the word proceeding instead of, of; and that in
the last line of the Tenth page between the words, which, and time,
the word the be incerted, that in 16th page between 10th & 11th line
the following provisoe be added Provided always and be it Enacted
by the Authority afd that it shall and may be lawfull for the Justices
of the Provincial Court for the Expediting the Causes so to be Tried
before them to order the Sheriff of Ann Arundell County imediately
to Summon a Competent & Sufficient Number of good and lawfull
Men de circumstantibus or of the nearest Inhabitants to serve as
Jurors and return a pannel of them for the Tryall of any Issue so to
be had and Tried before the said Justices of the sd Provincial Court
Signed p Order John Ross Cl. Up. Ho.

p. 187

Sent by Jno Hall and George Plater Esqrs
A Bill from the Lower House by Mr Hemsley & Mr Sheredine En-
tituled an Act for Limitation of Officers fees thus Endorsed.

By the Lower House of Assembly July 22d 1732.
Read the first time and ordered to lye on the Table
Signed p order M. Macnemara Cl. Lo. Ho.

By the Lower House of Assembly July 22d 1732
Read the second time by an Especial order and will pass.
Signed p Order M Macnemara Cl. Lo. Ho.

Read the first time in this House & ordered to lye on the Table
A Bill from the Lower House by Mr Hammond & Mr Woolford
Entituled an Act to prevent Cutting up Tobo plants Destroying of
Tobacco Houses and for Ascertaining the punishmt of Criminals
guilty of the said Offences thus Endorsed.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, May, 1730-August, 1732
Volume 37, Page 388   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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