Maryland ss.
At a Session of Assembly Begun and held at the City of Annapolis
on Tuesday the Eleventh Day of July in the Eighteenth Year of the
Dominion of His Lordship the Lord Proprietary Annoq Domini 1732
His Excellency Samuel Ogle Governor
Charles Calvert Esqr John Rousby Esqr
John Hall Esqr Benja Tasker Esqr
Col. Richard Tilghman Philip Lee Esqr
Collo Matt. Tilgh. Ward George Plater Esqr
Collo Mackall and Mr Beale from the Lower House Attend and
Acquaint His Excellency the Governor that there are a Sufficient
Number of Members met to make a House and wait His Excellencys
Collo Tilghman and Collo Ward are sent down to the Lower House
to Administer the several Oaths to the Government Appointed to be
taken by Act of Assembly to the Severall Members of that House ;
And ordered that the Clerk of this House attend them; who Ad-
ministred the said Oaths to the severall Members then present; and
they all severally Subscribed the oath of Abjuration and Test.
U. H. J.
No. 33
p. 164
July 11, 1732
In Sept,
1731. the As-
sembly was
to Nov. and
in Oct.
to Jan. (25
Md. Arch.
542) . On
Oct. 4 the
was dis-
solved and a
new oue
for Feb. (op.
cit. 550).