An Ingrossed bill Entituled an Act for Easing Sundry Inhabitants
of this Province who are Owners of Vessells from some Difficulties
&c. was read and Assented to, And sent to the Upper House with the
paper Bill thereof by Majr King and Mr Thompson, Who return
and say they Delivered the same.
A Bill Entituled an Act Empowering a Committee to lay Assess
and apportion the Publick Levy for this Present Year One thousand
Seven hundred and thirty one was read the first and second time by
an Especial Order and passed and sent to the Upper House by John
Beale Esqr and Collo Ennalls Who return and say they Delivered the
An Ingrossed bill Entituled an Act to prevent the Clandestine
running or Importation of Trashy and other Tobacco &c. Was read
and Assented to and sent to the Upper House with the paper bill
thereof by Cap" Waughop and Cap" Blackistone, Who return and say
they Delivered the Same.
The House Adjourns untill Two of the Clock in the Afternoon
Monday Afternoon Septr 6th 1731.
The House met according to Adjournment.
The Members were Called and all Present as in the Morning.
Collo Ward from the Upper House Delivered Mr Speaker the Bill
Entituled an Act to Continue & Aid the process and proceedings in
the Provincial Court &c. Indorsed thus
By the Upper House of Assembly 4th September 1731
Read the first time & Ordered to Lye on the Table.
Signed p Order J Ross Cl. Up. Ho.