And the following Message. [The text of this message is printed
at page 285.]
An Ingrossed bill Entituled an Act ascertaining the form of the
Oath of Judge or Justice was read & assented to and sent to the
Upper House with the Paper bill thereof by Coll. Fendall & Mr
Courts, Who return and say they Delivered the same.
The Question was put that the House Consent to the last Amend-
ments to the Assize Law by the Upper House Resolved in the
Collo Belt from the Committee of Aggreivances & Courts of Jus-
tice Delivered to Mr Speaker the following Report.
By the Committee of Aggreivances and Court of Justice
Sepr the 3rd 1731
Your Committee being Informed that Several Clerks & Registers
of Several of the Courts of Judicature within this Province take upon
themselves to Tax Costs and Issue Executions thereon according to
the Regulation of 1719 without having the Directions from the Sev-
eral Judges of the said Courts which is humbly Offered by your Com-
mittee as an Aggreivance and the Consideration thereof referred to
the house by your Committee.
Signed p Order. Cha: Worthington Cl.
Which report being read the House Unanimously Resolve the Evils
therein Reported to be an Aggreivance and referr the Consideration
thereof to the next Assembly.
Collo Ward from the Upper House Delivered to Mr Speaker the bill
Entituled an Act for the Releif of Richard Smith &c. Indorsed thus.
By the Upper House of Assembly 25th August 1731.
Read the first time and Ordered to Lye on the Table.
Signed p Order. J Ross Cl. Up. Ho.