258 Assembly Proceedings, August 19-September 6, 1731.
U. H. J.
Eodem Die post Meridiem.
This House met again According to Adjournmt
Present as in the Morning
The Honourable Charles Calvert Esqr Attended by the rest of the
Members of this House wait upon His Excellency the Governeur,
and present to him their Answer to His most favourable Speech to
both Houses of Assembly att the opening of the Session.
p. 108
To His Excellency Benedict Leonard Calvert Governeur and Com-
mander in Chief in and Over the Province of Maryland. The
Humble Address of the Upper House of Assembly.
May it please Your Excellency.
The fervent Zeale you have ever Shewn for the welfare of this
Province Especially in your kind Speech at the Opening of this
Session calls Loudly on us to acknowledge the gratefull sence we have
of your good will and repeated favours to the good People thereof ;
and as your Excellency hath frequently warned us of the sad and
Calamitous State of our Declining Staple and Exhorted us Seriously
to consider of proper meanes to avert the impending Evils by an
Application of Suitable remedies; We should surely be guilty of the
greatest Neglect, Did we not Chearfully Embrace, and make the best
use of this favourable Opportunity you have been pleased to give
us, of deliberating the best meanes of amending the value of Our
Staple; And therefore we Humbly take leave to Assure your Ex-
cellency we are resolved most Seriously to set about this great work ;
the Consequence whereof may be of so much concern to the welfare
and Advantage of the good People of Maryland.
p. 109
The two Queries your Excellency hath Communicated to this
House which you have received from the Lords Commissioners of
Trade and Plantations in Relation to Our Trade Manufactures and
Naturall product we shall be most willing and ready on our parts
to give your Excellency the best Information therein our Abilities
can furnish us with.
It is with much concern we have received your Excellencys In-
timation of leaving this Province in regard we are certain thereby
to be deprived of the Happiness we have hitherto Enjoyed under the
Influence of your Just and prudent Administration; And we hope our
Actions will be so guided with prudence Justice and good Nature
in the Consideration of all publick Affairs, as may Enable Your Ex-
cellency to make such a Representation thereof as may not only be
satisfactory to our Superiors, but Advantagious to the People of
The Loyalty we have always shewn to the Kings most Gracious
Majestic; The dutifull Zeal and regard for the safety & prosperity of
His Lordships person & Government, (We doubt not are recent in
the Memory of your Excellency and the good People of this Prov-