Acts. 247
Provided, That this Act shall not extend, or be construed to extend,
to prevent the carrying of Water, Wood, or other Provisions, on
Board of any Boat, for the Use of said Vessel; so as such Boat shall
be moored at a considerable Distance from the said Vessel: And
that the Persons who shall carry such Water, Wood, or other Pro-
visions, shall not go on Board the said Vessel, nor on Board of such
An Act impowering the Justices of Calvert County Court, to levy
on the Taxables Persons of that County, any Sum of Tobacco not
exceeding Ten Thousand Pounds of Tobacco, to pay for the
finishing the Court House of the said County.
Whereas, it is represented and made appear to this Assembly,
That the Tobacco levied on the Taxable Persons in Calvert County,
for the building and finishing the Court-House for that County, is not
sufficient to finish the Court-House, and make good the Contracts
already made concerning the same: It is prayed, that it may be
And Be It Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprie-
tary, by and with the Advice and Consent of His Lordship's Gov-
ernor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That the Justices of Calvert County Court,
shall and may, by Virtue of this Act, cause to be levied on the Taxable
Persons of the said County of Calvert, any Quantity of Tobacco, not
exceeding Ten Thousand Pounds of Tobacco, on the Taxable Per-
sons of the said County; in order to finish the said Court-House,
and make good any Contracts that the Justices of the same County
have made concerning the same; any Law or Usage to the contrary,
Chap. I
An Act for the Continuance of Process in Baltemore County
Whereas, the Small Pox has raged of late in Baltemore County,
and more especially in Joppa, where the said County Court is held ;
and that the Justices of the said County, to prevent the Spreading
of that fatal and dangerous Distemper, as much as in them lay,
adjourn'd the last June Court, without doing any Business. And
whereas, the said Distemper still continues in the Neighbourhood of
Joppa, aforesaid, which would render the Meeting of the People the
Beginning of next August, (the Time by Law appointed for the
Sitting of that Court) very dangerous to the Inhabitants of that
County in particular, and of several other Parts of the Province in
general :
Chap. II
Be It Therefore Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Gov-
p. 3