The Mr Speaker and the rest of the Members returned from the
Upper House and Mr Speaker reassumed the Chair and Acquainted
the House that his Excellency the Governour had Delivered him his
Lordships Answer to the late Address of both Houses of Assembly
to be laid before this House and following in these words. [The text
of this answer is printed at page 190.]
Mr Speaker Delivers to the House a Letter from Michael Mac-
nemara Gent, late Clerk of this House (who since last Sessions of
Assembly Went for Great Britain) and another from William
Cumming Gent, which were both Ordered to be read.
Octobr the 14th 1730
Affairs of the greatest Moment call me here to England.
As I have had the Honour to .be Chosen and Appointed Clerk of
the Lower House of Assembly and I hope given some Satisfaction
in that Office, I request your Honours in regard my very Pressing
Affairs impede my Attendance on the Honourable Lower House
of Assembly that Accidents may not Lessen me in your Esteem and
that your Honours will permitt some Person Jo Act for me as Deputy
for me, It is a Place I Earnestly Covet and shall daily whilst I have
your Commands Endeavour more and more to Merit them.
Mr Cumming hath Promised to Officiate for me if your Honours
Approve of him
I am your Honrs most Obedient humble Servant
M. Macnemara