Honours to pass the Bill For reviving it, Since it will be an Insup-
portable burthen to the People in remote County's to Attend the
Provincial Court (which must now be very long by the Encrease
of Business) until they can have an Opportunity to raise money to
defray their Expences at Annapolis which by the Scarcity of that
Commodity at present in the Province is rendered very Difficult We
have therefore sent you the Bill again and Desire You'l please to
pass it.
Signed p Order Wm Cumming Cl. Lo. Ho.
Read the second time the bill to make & Emit Thirty Six Thou-
sand pounds Paper money in bills of Credit and for Easing the In-
habitants of this Province in the payment of Debts and to raise a fund
to Sink the said Bills of Credit, and will not pass.
Sent to the Lower House by Philemon Lloyd Esqr and three more.
Adjourned till two of the Clock in the afternoon
Eodem Die post Meridiem
This House met again According to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning
A Message from the lower House with the bill for Ascertaining the
form of the Oath of Judge or Justice.
By Col Greenfield & Twenty four others.