U. H. J.
During this
Session the
Council met
on June 5
and 16 (25
531, 533).
The Speaker and the whole house accordingly attend on his
Excellency to whom he is pleased to make the following Speech.
Gentlemen of the Upper & Lower Houses of Assembly
However inconvenient in many Respects, this time of year may
be, for our meeting in Assembly, yet such is the present Condition
of Our Staple, that a Speedy Care for it's Amendment is necessary ;
It is therefore, you are now convened, that you might have an Early
Opportunity to Consult the publick Good therein.
The late great Affliction wherewith it hath pleased Divine Provi-
dence to Visit me, and Indispositions that have attended me, have
very much impeded the Application of my Thoughts, to publick
business, so that I have little to lay before you at present, as of my
own Consideration.
p. 2
Pursuant to the joynt Address of both Houses I have Concerted,
as far as possible Since last Sessions a Correspondence with Virginia
Some time before, a scheme had there been formed, towards an
Useful Tobacco Law, and I understand it is so far approved of, that
it is to be now laid before the Virginia Assembly. A copy of it I
shall Communicate to you, for your Consideration The main Scope
of it, is, I apprehend to prevent Trash from being Exported from
these parts, and the running of our Tobacco at home, which by many
is Esteemed a more probable method of Advancing the Credit, and
thereby the Value of Our Tobacco, than a bare Limitation to a
number of plants, and surely Trash is the greatest Cancre to Our
Staple: I hope you will not delay to enter most seriously and Calmly
on a Subject so important to this province. I wish you now to
Advise on all other Matters relating to the publick, that the trouble
and Expence of another Session this Year may be saved to the
May wisdom and Moderation direct your Counsels otherwise
they will be rendered ineffectual, and the Country possibly may grow
daily more and more uneasie in it's Circumstances.
Certain you may be of my Inclinations, to advance the real hap-
piness of his Lordships Tenants, and nothing can ever be more agree-
able to me, than to see Blessed Harmony leading us into such
Measures, as may fix it on a lasting foundation.
Proposals for the more Effectual Improving the Staple of Tobacco
in Virginia and for preventing frauds therein.
Forasmuch as it is found by Experience that the Regulations
heretofore Established for Obliging the Planters to make and Pack
good and Merchantable Tobacco, and to prevent the Exportation of
such Trash as Serves only to Clogg the Markets have not proved
Effectual to that end, neither hath the Limiting the number of Plants