is the whole Estate Real and Personal of my own, in Possession, or
that I have any Title to in the World: And that I have not any
Estate, Goods, or Effects of any kind whatsoever left, either in
Possession, Reversion, or Remainder, (necessary wearing Apparel
for my self. Wife, and Children, and Mathematical Books and In-
struments excepted :) And that I have not directly or indirectly sold,
leased, or otherwise conveyed, disposed of, or intrusted, all or any
Part of my Estate, thereby to secure the same, to receive or expect
any Profit or Advantage thereof. So help me God.
p. 16
And Also, That it shall and may be lawful for the Two Justices
aforesaid; and they are hereby required, on Application to them made
by any the Creditors of the said John Smith, or of their own mere
Motion, to summon, or call before them, Jane the Wife of the said
John Smith, or any Person whatsoever, by them, or the Creditors of
the said John Smith, suspected to conceal, or be privy to the Con-
cealment of any Part of his the said John Smith's Goods or Effects
of any kind whatsoever; and them examine, upon Oath, (or Affirma-
tion if a Quaker.) touching or concerning such Concealment, or
Suspicion thereof, in the best Manner they can devise, in order to
obtain a fair and full Surrender of the same. And in Case any
Person shall refuse to make such Oath, (or Affirmation, if a Quaker)
that then the said Justices shall, and may commit such Person to
Prison, that shall refuse to make such Oath, until they shall comply
therewith. It shall and may be lawful for the Sheriff aforesaid,
after the said Twenty Days; and he is hereby required to discharge
the Person of the said John Smith out of his Custody, and suffer him
to go at Large: And the Person of the said John Smith so as afore-
said discharged out of the Custody of the Sheriff, and suffered to
go at Large, shall never more be liable to be taken in Execution, for
or upon the Account of any Debts, Dues or Demands of what Nature
soever, that, at the Time of making this Act, were due from the said
John Smith, to any of his Creditors.
Provided Always, and be it Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid,
That notwithstanding the Discharge of the Person of the aforesaid
John Smith, upon taking the Oath aforesaid, all and every Judgement
now had and taken, or that shall hereafter be had and taken against
the aforesaid John Smith, by any of his Creditors, or any Debt or
Debts now owing and due from him to any of his Creditors, shall be
and stand good and effectual in Law, to all Intents and Purposes,
against the Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Goods, and Chatties,
that the said John Smith so discharged as aforesaid, shall hereafter
acquire and come to the Possession of in his own Right only:
And it shall and may be lawful to and for the Creditors of the said
John Smith so discharged as aforesaid, their Executors, Adminis-
trators, or Assigns, to take out any new Execution against the Lands,
Tenements, Hereditaments, Goods, and Chatties of the aforesaid