Person or Persons appointed to examine and number the same, cut
up, or cause to be cut up and destroyed, so many Plants as shall exceed
the Number herein before allowed, in such Place or Places of the said
Tobacco-Grounds, as the said Owner or Overseer shall think fit. And
in case the Owner or Overseer of any such Plantation or Plantations,
shall refuse and fail so to do, the said Person so appointed to examine
and number as aforesaid, be, and is hereby impowered and required
to cut up, or cause the same to be cut up and destroyed; and shall have
and receive, as a Reward for so doing, Twenty Pounds of Tobacco
for every Hundred Plants that shall be so cut up and destroyed by
them; to be paid by the Owner or Overseer of such Plantation or
Plantations, where such Offence shall be committed. And upon due
Proof thereof made by the Oath of the Person appointed as aforesaid,
whose Oath therein shall be full and conclusive Evidence, shall and
may be recovered before any Justice of the Peace of the County,
where such Offence shall be committed: And the Persons so to be
appointed to examine and number as aforesaid, are hereby required
to make a true Report of their Proceedings, and the Number of
Plants on each Plantation in their respective Precincts, to the Clerk
of the Court for that County wherein the said Precincts respectively
lie, on or before the Tenth Day of September, Yearly.
And Be It Further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid. That
each Person so appointed and sworn to examine and number Tobacco-
Plants, and to cut up and destroy Stalks, Slips, and Suckers as afore-
said, failing to make such Report of their Proceedings as aforesaid,
shall forfeit and pay Two Thousand Pounds of Tobacco for every
such Offence: And if the said Person so appointed to examine and
number, and to cut up and destroy Stalks, Slips, and Suckers as
aforesaid, shall (knowingly) allow any Person whatsoever to plant
and tend on his or her Plantation or Plantations, any more Plants of
Tobacco, than are hereby before allowed, or to tend any Seconds,
Slips, or Suckers; each Person so offending, shall forfeit and pay
Two Thousand Pounds of Tobacco for every such Offence.
p. 7
And Be It Further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, and it is
hereby Enacted, That the Clerk of every County Court shall, for the
Reward of Four Hundred Pounds of Tobacco Yearly, to be assessed
in the County Levy, and to be paid every such Clerk, fairly tran-
scribe all such Reports as shall be returned to him by the Persons
appointed, in Pursuance of this Act, for numbering Plants of To-
bacco; and shall set up the same in the Court-house of the said
County, at the Two next succeeding Courts after such Return; and
shall also file and keep the Original Reports in his Office. And where
it shall so happen, that any Parish shall lie in Two Counties, in such
Case, a Return shall be made of the Number of Plantations and
Plants in each County, to the Clerk of the County wherein such
Plantations shall lie, to be transcribed, and set up, and filed by the