124 Assembly Proceedings, May 21— June 16, 1730.
L. H. J.
To Mr John Young for his tending the Upper House of As-
sembly as Door keeper this Sessions 24 days at loo p day
is 2400 whereof \ is Deducted
To William Monrow Sexton of St. Anns parish for tolling
the Bell to this Assembly and Provincial Courts for the
year 1730. 6oo whereof £ is deducted
To the Reverend Mr John Humphreys Rector of St Anns
parish for reading prayers this Assembly and Provincial
Courts for the year 1730. 2000 whereof \ is Deducted
To Mr Thomas Jobson for 2 thirds of 2000 ib of Tobacco
p Agreement for keeping the Gate one year 1334
To Ditto for his Usual Allowance for beating the
Drum and Cleaning the Stadt House for one year 1200
[Total] 2534
Whereof \ is Deducted
To Mr William Gheselin for taking the Jurors Names in the
Several Countys on the Western Shore and making a List
thereof and Delivering the same to the Several County
Clerks in Order to receive their Allowances at 100 Ib To-
bacco p year whereof \ is Deducted
[folio 6]
The Committee Adjourns untill four a Clock in the After:
Post Meridiem,
The Committee meet according to Adjournment
Present as in the forenoon
p. 263
To Coll M. Tilghman Ward for 2 days Attendance as one of
the Justices of the Provincial Court in May 1730 at 140 p
day 280 whereof \ is deducted
To William Lock Esqr for 6 Ditto in May 1730 at 140 p day
840 whereof J is Deducted.
To Coll. John Smith for 6 Do in May 1730 at 140 p day & 4
days Itinerant Charges 1 160 whereof \ is Deducted
To Benjamin Tasker Esqr for 3 Ditto in May 1730 at 140 p
day 420 whereof \ is Deducted
To Phillip Lee Esqr for 3 Ditto in May 1730 at 140 p day
420 whereof \ is Deducted
To George Plater Esqr for 9 Ditto in May 1730 at 140 p day
and 6 days Itinerant Charges 1740 whereof \ is Deducted
To the Several persons following for their Attendance
in May
Provincial Court 1730 as Jurors Viz.
Ann Arund11 To Mr Phillip Hammond for 3 days at 15 ib
Tobacco p day is 45 whereof \ is deducted
To Mr Lewis Jones for 3 Do at Do 45 with Do