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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, May, 1730-August, 1732
Volume 37, Page 112   View pdf image (33K)
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112 Assembly Proceedings, May 21-June 16, 1730.

L. H. J.

The House Adjourned untill to Morrow Morning at Seven a


June 13

Saturday June the 13th 1730,
The House met according to Adjournment
The Members were Called and all Present as yesterday, The
proceedings of Yesterday were read.
An Ingrossed bill Entituled an Act to Enable the Clerk of Dor-
chester County to Deliver a Deed of Bargain and Sale from the Heir
of Henry Bray to William Cornwallis &c. was read & Assented to
and sent to the Upper House with the Paper Bill thereof by Mr
Hemsley, Who returns & savs he delivered the same
The Bill Entituled an Act to Ascertain the fees of Practitioners
of the Law &c. was read & Passed for Ingrossing.
Collo Greenfeild Collo Gale James Hollyday Esqr Mr Ralph Crabb
Majr King and Mr Joshua George were Appointed to join the Mem-
bers Nominated by the Upper House to Prepare an Address to the
Lord Proprietary

p. 247

The following Message [The text of this message is printed
at page 54.] Was sent to the Upper House by Coll Greenfeild and
James Hollyday Esqr who return and say they delivered the Same.
Benjamin Tasker Esqr from the Upper House delivered to Mr
Speaker the Paper Bill Entituled an Act to Enable the Clerk of
Dorchester County to Deliver a Deed of Bargain and Sale from the
Heir of Henry Bray to William Cornwallis &c Indorsed thus.

By the Upper House of Assembly 13th June 1730

The Engrossed Bill whereof this is the Original is read and
Assented to
Signed p Order Jno Ross Cl. Up. Ho.

The Paper Bill Entituled an Act to Record & make Valid in Law
a Deed from John Watmore &c.
The Paper Bill Entituled an Act for the relief of Thomas Worsley
&c. And the Paper Bill Entituled an Act for the Preservation of the
breed of Wild Deer severally Indorsed thus.

By the Upper House of Assembly 12th June 1730.

The Ingrossed Bill whereof this is the Original is read and
Assented to.
Signed p Order Jno Ross Cl. Up. Ho.

The Bill Hntituled an Act for Cutting of the Entail & investing
an Estate of Inheritance in fee simple of a Tract of Land called
Exeter &c. was read and Passed for Ingrossing

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, May, 1730-August, 1732
Volume 37, Page 112   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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