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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, May, 1730-August, 1732
Volume 37, Page 101   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 101

Collo Herman & Capn Blackistone, who return & say they delivered
the Same
Philemon Lloyd Esqr Collo Tilghman & Phillip Lee Esqr from the
Upper House delivered to Mr Speaker the Bill Entituled an Act for
Emproving the Staple of Tobacco &ca
And the following Message. [The text of this message is printed
at page 37.]
The Bill Entituled an Act for Emproving the Staple of Tobacco
&c was read and Passed for Ingrossing.
The House Adjourns untill to Morrow Morning at Eight of the

L. H. J.

Wednesday June the 10th 1730.
The House met according to Adjournment
The Members were Called and all Present as yesterday. The
proceedings of Yesterday were read.
Mr Johnson Appeared in the House this day.
Philemon Lloyd Esqr from the Upper House delivered to Mr
Speaker the Bill Entituled an Act to Cut of an Entail of a Tract of
Land Called Marshes Seat &c. Indorsed thus.

By the Upper House of Assembly 8th June 1730
Read the first time and Ordered to Lye on the Table.
Signed p Order Jno Ross Cl Up. Ho.

And thus, [The text of this endorsement is printed at page 37. J
Which Bill was read here and passed for Ingrossing
Mr George from the Committee delivered to Mr Speaker an
Ingrossed Bill Entituled an Act for Ascertaining the form of the
Oath of Judge or Justice

June 10

An Ingrossed Bill Entituled an Act Altering the bounds of two
Acres of Land heretofore Granted to Great Choptank Parish on
which the Chappell in Vienna Stands.
An Ingrossed bill Entituled an Act to Enable the High Court of
Appeals to Continue .an Appeal therein depending between Edward
Fottrell and Ann his wife late Ann Lloyd Appellants & David Robin-
son and Judith his wife John Robinson and Grace his \vife and
Rebecca Tibbies Defendants which were severally read & Assented
to & Sent to the Upper House with the Paper Bills thereof by Mr
Crabb and Mr Scott. Who return and Say they Delivered the Same.
John Hall Esqr from the Upper House delivered to Mr Speaker
the Bill Entituled an Act to Inroll and Record an Indenture between

p. 230

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, May, 1730-August, 1732
Volume 37, Page 101   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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