In order to shorten the further continuance of this Session
and to Avoid any further debates on the Bill for reviving the
Act for Limitation of Officers fees &ca We have concluded
to Strike out the last Paragraph thereof relating to Hemp and
Flax and have prepared a Supplementary Bill to the Act for
Encouraging the making Hemp and Flax herewith sent in-
stead thereof and hope the same will pass in your House
Signed p Order M Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.
Read the Message of October 30th by Mr Dashiel and Mr
Young and the following Answer prepared thereto viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly November 4th 1724
We think we have complied with our Promise to you and
our duty to our Country as far as it relates to the differ-
ences between the People and Sheriffs In Passing the Reviv-
ing Bill for Officers fees with the provision therein made for
that purpose but your Reasons in your Message of October
30th by Mr Dashiel and Mr Young are not sufficient to remove
all Inconveniences we Apprehend from a popular election of
Sheriffs for Altho' the Charge and trouble of electing Dele-
gates must be born with for Supporting the rights and priv-
iledges of the People yet there is not the same necessity for
that charge and Trouble to elect Sheriffs in prejudice of the
Prerogative Besides if the Laws in force to prevent the op-
pression of the Sheriffs will be a restraint upon them in so
doing which in your message you assert your Chief Reason for
a Popular Election fails, and We are of Opinion that the Laws
heretofore and at this Sessions provided will very well Secure
the People from Oppression by the Sheriffs but if notwith-
standing the Sheriffs should make use of any illegal means
so to do We doubt not but his Honour the Governor upon
Complaint to him made will take care to restrain or displace