time when the State of the present Crop is so Unequal to
the Charge of a long Session This we hope may be Avoided
now since your Honour pleased to signify that you have
nothing from his Lordship the Lord Proprietary to lay before
We cannot at this time take Leave of your Honour without
Returning our most humble and hearty thanks for this one
more fresh Instance of your Regard to our Welfare in recom-
mending to us Measures to prevent the exportation of our
Grain at this time when we have so melancholy a Prospect
of wanting: the Consideration whereof we shall diligently
Apply ourselves to
Signed p Order Saml Skippon Cl Up. Ho.
To which his Honour made the following Reply Viz.
I return you my hearty thanks for your kind Address &
nothing can be more pleasing to me than your Zeal for the
publick Welfare
The petition of Thomas Dent of Charles County John
Oliver of Kent County Frances Dorsey Widow, John Marsh,
John Hurst, Edward Norwood and Ann Brahan of Balti-
more County and Thomas Shores a languishing Prisoner in
the County Goal at Annapolis praying that a Bill may be
brought in to relieve them from Confinement they delivering
upon Oath all their Effects for the Use of their Creditors were
severally read and severally thus endorsed viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly October the 8th 1724.
Read and referred to the Consideration of the Lower
House of Assembly
Signed p Order Samuel Skippon Cl Up Ho.