And thereon the follo Messa is prepared viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly July 20th 1726.
May it please your Honrs
On reading and considering the Petitions of the Parish-
ioners of Stepney Parish herewth sent, This House have Re-
solved that the Vestry of the said Parish meet sometime in
October next and appoint a Time and Place for [the Parish-
ioners to meet in Order to make choice of a place for] building
a new Parish Church on therein, And that it be accordingly
placed as the Majority of the Parishioners shall think fit and
no person to have a Vote therein but the profest Members
of the Church of England as by Law establisht, With which
Resolve We desire your Honours Concurrence that the Mat-
ter may be entred on our Journall as an Ordinance, and to
avail the parties concern'd therein as such And that the return
of the Votes so taken be made by the said Vestry to the As-
sembly at the next Sessions
Signd p Ordr M Jenifer Cl. Lo. Ho.
Which was sent wth the Petitions afd to the Upper House by
Capt Gale and Capt Dashiell They return and say they de-
livered them.
An engrost Bill for reviving the Act for raising three pence
p hhd
An Engrost Bill for reviving the Act ascertaining the
Gauge & Tare of Tobacco hhds
An engrost Bill for relief of Thomas Osborn of Charles
County planter were severally read and assented to and were
so endorst & Sent to the upper House by Capt Gale & Capt
They return and say they delivered them
The House adjourns till two of the Clock in the Afternoon
Post Merediem.
The House meet