Thereupon they past for engrosing.
Colo Ward from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker The
Bill for dividing St John's Parish thus endorst viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly July the 19th 1726.
As the present Incumbent has not appear'd to make his
Defence nor hath signified his Assent to the Division in the
Bill mentioned We therefore recommend the deferring the
passing this Bill till next Sessions of Assembly and that fur-
ther Notice be given to the Incumbent then to attend.
Signd p Order Geo: Plater Cl Up Ho.
James Bowles Esq' from the Upper House delivers M'
Speaker The Bill for the payment of Servants fees thus en-
dorst viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly July the 19th 1726.
This Bill being read will not Pass.
Sign'd p Order Geo. Plater Cl Up Ho
The House adjourns till to Morrow Morning Eight a Clock.