reduced to so low a State as it now is, and are fully convinced
that the lessening the value of that Comodity is chiefly owing
to those Causes Your Honour is pleased to attribute it to, And
though Tobacco Laws within this province have seldom had
any other Effect than the utter Ruin of some of the Inhabi-
tants thereof We shall endeavour to do everything that may
Contribute to the Relief of the people we represent in their
present melancholly Condition with the greatest Dispatch
we possibly can
Signd p Order of the House R: Ungle Speaker
July the 13th 1726
They return and say they delivered it
The petition of Jno Clements being referr'd from last Ses-
sions is read & rejected
The House adjourns till two of the Clock in the After-
Post Merediem
The House met
Colo Ward from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker
The Petition of sundry the Inhabitants of St Paul's Parish
in Queen Anns County for the dividing that parish thus en-
dorst viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly July the 13th 1726
The within Petition being read is recomended to the Con-
sideration of the Lower House of Assembly (the Reverend
Mr Christopher Wilkinson to have Notice hereof)
Signd p Order Geo: Plater Cl Up Ho.
Mr Speaker Communicates to the House severall Petitions
relating to a Tobacco Law with the following Message from
his Honr the Govr
Gent of the Lower House.
The Petitions that I mentioned at the Opening of the ses-
sions I have herewith sent to the House for your perusall
I am Gent yr humble Servt
July the 13th 1726. Cha. Calvert
To the honble the Speaker & the Lower House of Assembly