Thereupon John Beale Esqr Mr Crabb and Mr Dashiel
attend in the Conference Chamber to see the Laws sealed
which were afterwards carried to the Lower house by the said
Beale Crabb and Dashiel
In Answer to his Lordships Speech at the Opening of the
Sessions the following Answer was prepared viz.
To the Right Honble Charles Absolute Lord and Proprietary
of the Province of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of
Baltemore &ca
The humble and Unfeigned Address of the
Upper House of Assembly
Who in a most dutiful manner crave leave to render to your
Lordship our Sincere thanks for your kind acceptance of our
late Address to your Lordship, and do also Assure your Lord-
ship that we will (as we have hitherto done) unite our best
Endeavours for the Support of your Lordships prerogative
and Interest, as well as the Generall Weal of this your Lord-
ships province; and we assure your Lordship of our great
Satisfaction in haveing your Lordships hearty Concurrence,
that the Laws should have their accustomary force here, and
of our being supported and Govern'd by the Laws and Cus-
toms which heretofore we enjoy'd under your Lordships
Noble Ancestors, and since your happy Government over us.
And we likewise return our bounden thanks to your Lord-
ship for so strenuously recommending to the Lower House of