An Act Reviveing and Continuing the Act for Ascertaining
the Gauge and Tare of Tobacco hhds. &c.
An Act for Reviving An Act Entituled An Act for raising
a Duty of three pence p hhd on all Tobacco Exported out of
thas province for the uses therein mentioned.
An Act making good and effectual in Law A Deed of
Bargain and Sale from Thomas Dent of Charles County to
Thomas Osborn of the same County when recorded which
were severally thus Subscribed viz.
July the 20th 1726
Read and Assented to by the Lower House of Assembly &
Signed p Order M. Jenifer Cl. Lo. Ho.
Which were read and Assented to by this house and
Ordered to be so Subscribed Severally. And the Paper bills
so severally Endorst were sent down to the Lower House by
Benjamin Tasker Esqr
Adjourned for 2 hours
Eodem Die post Meridiem
Met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the morning with the Addition of Coll
Richard Tilghman
A Message from the Lower House by Mr Gale and Mr
Dashiel viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly July the 20th 1726
May it please Your Honours
On reading and Considering the Petition of Stepney
parish herewith sent this house have resolved that the Ves-