ficial Laws for making the Staple of Tobacco a real benefit
to the people.
The necessitys of the people and the Encouragement neces-
sary to the Brittish trade into this province call loudly upon
the Legislature for some profitable and necessary regulations
in the Trade of Tobacco among which as your Honour hath
been pleased to Observe in your Speech a proper Limitation
as to the time of shipping Tobacco appears to be very much
We do Assure your Honr of our Endeavours during this
Sessions, to Apply the proper and most effectual remedyes, to
all those Causes to which the present low price of Tobacco is
owing at this time and thereby make appear to the world the
just regard which we have according to the Duty Incumbent
upon us to the prosperity of all the good people of this Prov-
ince under yuur Honours Government
July the 14th 1726 Willm Holland John Rousby
John Hall Benj. Tasker
Thos Addison Philip Lee
Phile Lloyd Nich. Lowe
M. T. Ward
To which his Honour made the following reply
To the Honble the Upper House of Assembly
The generous Concern you shew for the publick welfare
of this Province (in your most Obliging Address) requires
me to use all my Endeavours that may be Conducive thereto
Cha: Calvert