Sent down by Phil. Lee Esqr
A Bill from the Lower House by Coll Belt and Mr Stour-
ton Entituled An Act directing the payment of fees ariseing
due on the prosecuting of Servants which shall hereafter
be Imported into this province thus Endorst viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly July the 14th 1726
Read the first and second time by Special Order and will
Signed p Order M. Jenifer Cl. Lo. Ho.
Which is Ordered to lye on the Table.
Colo Holland is sent down to the Lower House to Acquaint
them that his honour requires the Speaker and the whole
House to attend him in the Councill Chamber Imediately.
Who returns and says he Delivered the Message.
The Speaker and the whole House attend accordingly and
his Honour acquainted them that he had received his Lord-