March the 23d 1725.
On the behalf of the Right Honble the Lord Propry of this
province, I will this be a Law
Cha. Calvert
After which his Honour was pleas'd to Express himself
in the following words viz.
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly
This Sessions being Concluded it remains only that I
prorogue you, which I hereby do, with the Advice of the
Councill to the second Tuesday of July next And you are
required to take notice that you are accordingly so prorogued
23d March 1725/6 Cha. Calvert
Thereupon Mr Speaker with the Rest of the Members
returns to the Lower House where Mr Speaker resumes the
Chair and Reports what his Honour the Governour had
before done and said.
Whereupon this House Accordingly prorogues it self to
the second Tuesday in July next.
So Endeth this present Session of Assembly this twenty
Third Day of March in the Eleventh Year of his Lpps Do-
minion &c Annoq Dni 1725
Test M. Jenifer Cl. Lower House.