By the Upper House of Assembly March the 23rd 1725
We are of opinion that Vanhaesdonk Riddlesden, ought
to have Liberty at any time within Eighteen months to Ap-
pear by himself or his Attorney and make appear the Validity
of his Deeds, And that a Clause be added to the Bill direct-
ing notice to be given of the passing of it by an Advertise-
ment in the printed News papers of Philadelphia within
Three months after the End of this Session with which
Amendments this Bill will pass.
Signd p order Geo. Plater Cl Up. Ho.
An Engrost Bill for Limitation of officers ffees; and
An Engrost Bill to Restrain the Evill practices of Attor-
neys &c were Severally read and Assented to and were so
Endorst And sent to the Upper House by Mr Smith and Mr
Dent. They return and say they delivd them
A Bill to revive and Continue All process in the Severall
County Courts was read the first and second times by
Especiall Order and past which was so Endorst and sent to
the Upper House by Capt King and Capt Rider.
They Return and say they Delivered it.
Benja Tasker Esqr from the Upper House delivers Mr
Speaker the same Bill thus Endorst:
By the Upper house of Assembly
March the 23d 1725
Read and will pass.
Sign'd p order Geo. Plater Cl. Up. Ho.
Thereupon the Same past for Engrossing.
On Reading and Considering the Representation of the
Clergy and the former Messages of October 1724 Relateing