Our Comittee of Aggrievances haveing returnd the Report
herewith sent, we are of opinion that the same is worthy of
Consideration and recomend the same to Your Honours and
desire to know whether You will be pleas'd to Join with us in
Addressing his Honour the Govr for the Redress of the Ag-
grievance Complained of
Signd p order M. Jenifer Cl. Low. Ho.
They return and Say they delivered Them.
The Petition of Sundry Inhabitants of Baltemore County
Complaining of an undue Election of Mr Roger Mathews
a Member returnd to Serve for Baltemore County this
Sessions was read and referr'd to the Comittee of Elections
and priviledges for their Examination and report therein.
Colo Ward from the Upper House Delivers Mr Speaker the
Remonstrance of Vachell Denton Esqr setting forth that by
his Endeavouring to save Sundry publick Records at the time
when the said Dentons house was burnt he lost to the Value
of a considerable Sum of Mony, And praying that the Generall
Assembly would be pleas'd to take the same into Considera-
tion thus Endorst Viz.
By the Upper house of Assembly March the 18th 1725
The within Remonstrance being read is recomended to
the consideracon of the Lower House of Assembly
Signd p order Geo. Plater Clk Up. House.
John Rousby Esqr from the Upper House Delivers Mr
Speaker the following Message Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly
March the 18th 1725
In answer to Your Message by Mr Benj. Mackall and Mr
Walter Smith and in respect to the Report therewith Sent
from the Comittee of aggrievanc.es Relateing to the Com-
plaints Exhibited by Sundry of the Good people of this prov-