To the Honble Charles Calvert Esqr Governour of Mary-
The humble Address of the House of Delegates.
May it please Your Honour.
We are fully convinced not only from the Concern Your
Honour hath Expressed in Your Speech at the opening of
this Sessions but Likewise from the whole Course of Your
Conduct ever since you have presided over us, with what
Regret it must be to Your Honour to Call an Assembly at this
unseasonable time of the Year: But since the Welfare of
this pvince requires it, we shall proceed with the greatest
Candour and Expedition we are capable of to Consider of the
severall particulars your Honour hath been pleased so
Earnestly to recomend to Our Consideration in relation to
the Gentlemen of the Law and shall on Our Part as much
as in us lies Endeavour to form such a new Bill in relation
to those Gentlemen as may not be lyable to the objections
made by them Against the present Act, And if in the Course
of the proceedings of this Session any other matter or thing
shall be found absolutely needfull at this psent Juncture to
be done for the Welfare of the Inhabitants of this province we
shall Exert Ourselves with the like Application for the
Speedy dispatch thereof so as to bring this Session to a Con-
clusion with the Least Charge that may be to the Publick
Sign'd p order of the House R Ungle Speaker
March the 16th 1725/6
Which was sent to his Honr the Govr by Mr Stoddert and
seven others.
They Return and say they Delivered it.
The following Message prepared Viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly March 16th 1725/6
May it please Your Honrs
We Desire Your Honours will be pleasd to Appoint some
of the members of Your House to Join with some of the
Members of this House in a Comittee for the drawing up a.
Bill Relateing to the Gentlemen practitioners of the Law.
Sign'd p order. M. Jenifer Cl. Lo: Ho :