No 2. An Act for Limitation of Officers frees
No 3. An Act to revive Continue and make good and
Valid in Law all processe and Proceedings in any of the
County Courts within this province from the first day of the
County Courts held or to be holden in this month of March
1725 untill the first day of the severall County Courts that
are to be held in the month of June Anno Dom 1726
After which his Honour the Governour was pleased to
Conclude the Session in the Manner folio-wing Viz.
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly
This Sessions being Concluded it remains only that I Pro-
rogue you which I hereby do with the advice of the Councell
to the second Tuesday of July next and you are required to
take notice that you are Accordingly so Prorogued
23d March 1725/6 Cha: Calvert
Thus Endeth the 13th Session of Assembly held for this
Province since his Lordship the Right Honoble Charles Abso-
lute Lord and Proprietary of the province of Maryland and
Avalon Lord Baron of Baltimore has been restored to his
Government of this province this 23d day of March in the
11th Year of his said Lordships Dominion &c Annoq Dmi
Test Geo Plater Cl Up Ho.
Mm the Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses had
one days allowance too much in the Journall of this Sessions