U. H. J.
any Materiall difference, the Intention and meaning of both
being almost the same and Chiefly differing in that, the Ex-
press words of the. latter, do more fully Explain the Intention
of it, than those of the former did. However for the quiet-
ing their tender Consciences and to Avoid any Inconveniency
to their Clients, we shall readyly Join our Endeavours to
make any Alterations, Additions, or Amendments that can
be thought necessary to render that good Law your Honour
has been pleased so Earnestly to recommend to us, more
effectuall and Intelligible towards the attaining those good
Ends and purposes for which it was designed and for Ex-
pediteing the publick Business
Subscribed by all the members then present
March 16. 1725/6
To which his Honour made the following reply
I am very much Obliged to you for your kind Address and
no Endeavours shall be wanting in me to serve the Countrey
Cha: Calvert
p. 9
A message from the Lower House by Captn Hooper & Mr
Stourton viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly March the 16th 1725/6
May it please your Honours
We Desire your Honours will be pleased to Appoint some
of the Members of your House to Join with some of the mem-
bers of this House in a Committee for Drawing up a Bill
relateing to the Gentlemen Practitioners of the Law.
Signed p Order M. Jenefer Cl. Lo. Ho.
To which the following answer was prepared viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly March the 16th 1725/6
As we have but a thin Board we can spare but one member
therefore have appointed Philip Lee Esqr to Join such of the
members of your House as you shall Appoint in a Committee
on the Subject matter mentioned in your Message by Captn
Hooper & Mr Stourton who is ready to attend at the House
of Peter Overard directly
Signed p Order Geo. Plater Cl Up Ho.