wood declin'd their poll and Imediatly Some others offerr'd a
poll for Mr Benjamin Pemberton which upon Scrutiny was
found farr to Exceed the two former Exclusive of the other
Votes Whereupon the Sheriff declared the said Pemberton to
be duly Elected and thereupon Sign'd his Indentures, But how
Legally is Humbly referr'd to the opinion of the House.
We also find Robert Gordon Esqr and Vachell Denton
Members return'd for the City of Annapolis are duly Elected
according to Law
Sign'd p order John Gibson Cl. Com.
On Reading whereof this House Concurrs therewith in all
its parts, But as to Mr Thomas Sheredine, The Question was
put whether the said Sheredine at the time of his Election was
duly qualified or not. It passed in the negative. Where-
upon the said Mr Sheredine is dismissed from any further
Attendance who withdrew accordingly. And Ordered that
Mr Speaker issue his warrant to the Secretary to prepare a
new writt of Election to the Sheriff of Baltemore County for
the Electing a new Member to Serve in the Room of the said
Sheredine returnable Imediately.
The Petition of Alexander Contee Gent: was Read again
this day and on hearing the Allegations of all parties at the
Barr of the House by their Councill, And thereupon Leave
is given to bring in a Bill as pray'd
The House adjourns till to Morrow Morning nine of the
Wednesday Octobr the 13th 1725
The House meets according to Adjournment
Yesterdays proceedings are Read
On Reading the Petition of the people Called Quakers
Ordered that the Comittee of Laws prepare a Bill accord-