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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1724-1726
Volume 35, Page 304   View pdf image (33K)
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304 Assembly Proceedings, October 6-November 6, 1725.

L. H. J.

The Rules of the House read and agreed to Set up and
ordered to be Entered as follows Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly
October the 7th 1725
Rules and Orders of the Lower House of Assembly to be
observed by the Members and others in the said House,
1. That no Burgess, Deputy or Delegate member of this
House, shall use any reviling Speeches, or name any member
by his proper name, otherwise than for Distinction Sake, but
shall rather use some other Signification viz. The Gent that
spoke last or the like.
2d That no member Speake above once at the reading of
any Bill or Debate without Licence of the Speaker and the
House and if two persons or more rise up together, the
Speaker shall appoint who shall speake first and no member
to Interupt another or Speake till the other have Ended.
3d That none shall deliver his opinion or speake Sitting
to any Bill or Debate but shall stand up and reverently direct
his Speech to the Speaker
4th That every Bill propos'd to the House shall be read two
Severall Days before it is Sent to the upper House and once
after before it be Engrost and that between every reading
one day shall be Intermitted and that in that time the Bill
be laid on the Table for the perusall of all the Members unless
on very urgent occasions, Mr Speaker with the Consent of
the House shall Dispence [there] with, and then one Bill being
read twice at one Sitting shall be as Sufficient as if read two
Severall days when so Entred in the Clks Journall.
[5th] That no person shall come into the House of As-
sembly whilst the same is Sitting with Sword or other
Weapon, but shall put the same into the hands of the Door
keeper or other person appointed to receive the same upon
penalty of such fine as shall be imposed on them by the
Speaker, not Exceeding five Shillings for any one offence.

p. 200

6th That any Member bound to attend this Assembly that
shall be absent at the hours and place appointed after the
number of twelve of the Members with the Speaker are met
according to the order for Settling the House; shall be fined
according to the discretion of the Speaker not Exceeding
five shillings for any one offence unless upon such Lawfull
Excuse as the Speaker shall admit of
7th All misdemeanors which shall happen in the House
shall be Censured and fined in the House.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1724-1726
Volume 35, Page 304   View pdf image (33K)
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