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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1724-1726
Volume 35, Page 302   View pdf image (33K)
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302 Assembly Proceedings, October 6-November 6, 1725.

L. H. J.

Whereupon the said Michael takes the usuall oath of
Clerke before the Honble James Stoddert Esqr a Member of
this House
Thomas Jobson is appointed Sergeant attendant to this
House and Moses Adney Doorkeeper. Who Severally duely
qualified themselves according to Law before the Honble
James Stoddert Esqr
Resolved that this House will sit to do busieness from nine
of the Clock in the forenoon till four in the Afternoon and

thereupon the following message is prepared Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly

Octobr the 6th 1725
May it please Your Honours
This House in order to dispatch the publick busieness as
much as in them lies have Entred a Resolve to sit from nine
of the Clock in the forenoon till four of the Clock in the after-
noon and desire to know whether the times proposed be
agreeable to your Honours
Sign'd p ordr M. Jenifer Cl. Lo. Ho.

Which was Sent by Mr Warfeild and Mr Dashiele to the
Upper House.
They return and Say they delivered it.
Lt Collo John Ward a Member returned to Serve for Cecil
County appears in the House. Ordered that Majr Mauldin
and Mr Johnson go to the Upper House to see him Qualified
They return and Say they see him Qualified
Thereupon he took his place.
Vatchell Denton Esqr is desired to acquaint the Reverend
Mr Humphreys that this House desires him to read Divine
Service at Eight of the Clock in the morning and four in
the afternoon during the sitting of this Assembly.

Collo Thomas Trueman Greenfeild Mr Benj. Mackall,
Henry Hooper, Mr Ralph Crabb and Mr Walter Smith are
appointed as a Comittee of Elections and priviledges
The House Adjourns till to morrow morning nine of the

Thursday Octr the 7th
The House meets according to Adjournment
Yesterdays proceedings are Read

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1724-1726
Volume 35, Page 302   View pdf image (33K)
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