This House does appoint John Beale & Vachel Denton
Esqrs to be joyned with such Members as shall be appointed
by yor House in a Comittee, to apportion the publick Levy for
this present year and we are also willing that the severall
members and Officers of both Houses be allowed at the rate
of Ten Shillings Current money p hundred for what Tobacco
is due to them for their attendance and Services this Sessions
(more than already allow'd in the Journall of the Cofnittee
of Accots) if your Honours approve thereof
Signed p Order M. Jenifer Cl Lo. Ho.
To which Message the following Answer was prepared
By the Upper House of Assembly Novr the 6th 1725
This House does Concurr with you in yor Message this
day by John Beale Esqr and Coll Belt in relation to the al-
lowance proposed and has Appointed Benj. Tasker Esqr to
be joyned with John Beale and Vachel Denton Esqrs in a
Cofnittee to apportion the publick Levy for this present
Signed p Order Geo. Plater Cl. Up. Ho.
Sent down by Benja Tasker Esqr who returns & Says he
Delivered it.
A Bill from the Lower House by John Beale Esqr and Mr
Waughop Entituled An Act for the paymt and Assessment
of the Publick Levy of this Province thus Endors'd viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly Novemr 6th 1725
Read the first and second time by especial Order and will
Signed p order M. Jenifer Cl. Lo. Ho.