284 Assembly Proceedings, October 6-November 6, 1725.
U. H. J.
no Lawyers in this House, nor any persons at hand who are
able to give us a Satisfactory resolution, in so intricate and
difficult an Affair We humbly Recommend the Consideracon
thereof together with the Above mentioned Distinction made
upon the particular Circumstances & special Condition in
your Lordships Charter very far different from any other
Royal Grant in America to the best advice and most solemn
determinacons that can be had in an Affair of so great Con-
sequence, either from Council long Experienced in the
Knowledge and practice of the Municipall Laws of the Land
or otherwise as it May appear most Suitable to your Lord-
ship for putting an End to this Unhappy dispute which hath
wonderfully affected the minds of his Majestys Subjects, the
good people of this Province least for the Reenacting de novo
the Statutes of England, they might in time as it hath been
Insinuated to them be deprived of their British libertys.
We your Lordships faithful Tenants do humbly Acknowl-
edge our kind Acceptance of your Goodness and tender regards
declared to our Constitution by promising that no Attempts
p. 121
should be made to alter any of those Laws Rules Customs and
Usages, which have been Certain known & Adhered to,
among us; and we are the rather Emboldened thereby to
apply ourselves to the same fountain of Generosity, for your
Lordships further direccon in Case that upon the most
Curious Enquiry, the Allowance of the English Statutes
shou'd be found to be Consistent with the conditions in your
Lordships Charter so that a Seasonable end may be put to all
such Animosities and Cruel Jealousies which almost Univer-
sally prevail in every County within this province.
But if otherwise and that your Lordship should be aprised
of any dangerous Consequence in the Generall Allowance
of the English Statutes with regard to the Charter it self we
humbly beg that for the Satisfaction of this province and
for quieting the minds of such people as are afraid of being
abridged of their English Liberties Your Lordship wou'd
be pleased to transmitt such opinions with the reasons given
for restraining the Statutes in the Gross from this province
to your Lordships Upper house of Assembly that we may
Comfort ourselves as our Dutys and Nature of the Case
shall require.
We of the Upper House of Assembly do highly approve of
your Lordships recommendation of Temper Moderation and
good will to both houses and do humbly and sincerely express
our hearty wishes that either the worth of the Advisor or the