By the Lower House of Assembly Oct. the 28th 1725
Read the first and second time by Special Order and will
Signed p Order M. Jenifer Cl. Lo. Ho.
Which being read was Ordered to be further Endorst Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly October the 28th 1725
Read and will pass.
Signed p order Geo. Plater Cl. Up. Ho.
Sent by John Hall Esqr who returns and says he deliv-
ered them.
A Bill from the Lower House by Colo Mackall and Mr King
Entituled An Act for Limittacon of Officers fees thus En-
dors'd viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly October the 28th 1725
Read the first and Second time by Especial Order and will
Signed p Order M. Jenifer Cl. Lo. Ho.