An Act Entituled An Act to Confirm an Estate in fee
simple to such persons as already have or hereafter shall pur-
chase any the Lands lying in the new Town commonly called
the Addition to the City of Annapolis or any Land Adjoyning
to the said City of Annapolis commonly called the Town pas-
ture or common and to Invest them with the same Priviledges
within the City of Annapolis as other Freeholders therein
now have or hereafter may Enjoy, which were severally thus
Octor the 21st 1725
Read and Assented to by the Lower House of Assembly and
Sign'd p order M. Jenifer Cl Lo. Ho.
Which said Bills being read were likewise Assented to by
this House and ordered to be so Subscribed
The Petition of John Clements a languishing Prisoner in
Talbot County Goal was read and ordered to be thus En-
dorsed Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly Octo the 21st 1725.
The unhappy Circumstances of the Petitioner who is now
under Execution and Closely Confined as we are informed
in Talbot County Goal upon a Non suit Obtained Against
him in Dorset County before the Acts within mentioned is
Recomended to your House for Relief.
Signed p order Geo. Plater Cl Up Ho.
Sent by Phile Lloyd Esqr who returns and says he Deliv-
ered it.
A Bill from the Lower House by Capt Hooper and Mr
Pritchett Entituled,
An Act to Invest the Vestry of great Choptank Parish in
Dorchester County with an Estate in Fee Simple to the Lands
therein mentioned thus Endorsed Viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly Octo the 21st 1725
Read the first and second time by Especial order and will
Signed p Order M. Jenifer Cl. Lo. Ho.