By the Upper House of Assembly October the 18th 1725.
Read and will pass with a Clause (saving to the Right
Honble the Lord Proprietary his Heirs and Successors and
all other Persons their Rights to any of the lands herein
Signed p Order Geo. Plater Cl. Up. Ho.
Read the Bill Entituled An Act to prevent the Great Evills
Occasioned by Small Stone Horses &ca which was ordered to
be thus Endorsed Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly Octo the 18th 1725
The whole Act Prohibiting the Importation of Bread Beer
&c. from Pensylvania; being found to be of no use or Service
to the Country this Bill will Pass Repealing that whole Act.
Signed p Order George Plater Cl. Up. Ho.
Which three aforegoing Bills were sent down to the Lower
House by Philemon Lloyd Esqr who returns and says he
Delivered them
The Petitions of Daniel Dulany Esqr and Mr Joshua George
being read are ordered to be Seperately thus Endorsed viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly Octo the 18th 1725
The within Petition being read is Referred to the Con-
sideration of the Lower House of Assembly.
Signed p Order Geo Plater Cl. Up. Ho.