And we humbly take leave to Assure your Honour that
we shall use our utmost Endeavours to give Dispatch to the
publick business and promote that happy Unanimity Recom-
mended by your Honour and so much desired by this House.
Subscribed by all the Members then present.
To which his Honr made the following Reply.
Gentlemen of the Upper House of Assembly
I Return you my hearty Thanks, for your most kind Ad-
dress to me and am Extreemly pleased my Endeavours to
serve the countrey, are so Acceptable; I shall upon all oc-
casions Continue my best Endeavours, in that way, having
nothing more at Heart then the Prosperity of the province.
12th Octor 1725 Cha: Calvert
The Petition of John Fitz Patrick a languishing Prisoner
in Prince Georges County Goal and the Petition of William
Maynard a languishing Prisoner in Cecill County Goal, were
Read and ordered to be severally thus Endorsed viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly Octor the 11th 1725
The within petition being read is referred to the Considera-
tion of the Lower House.
Signed p order Geo. Plater Cl Up Ho.