By the Upper House of Assembly October the 8. 1725
Upon reading the petition and the proofs of the several
Allegations therein mentioned & herewith sent it is Recom-
mended to the Consideration of the Lower House
Signed p order Geo Plater Cl Up Ho.
Sent by Colo Richard Tilghman who returns and says he
Delivered it
The Petitions of Edward Cox and Evan Jones two lan-
guishing Prisoners in Baltemore County Goal being read are
Ordered to be thus severally Endorsed viz
By the Upper House of Assembly Octo the 8th 1725
The within Petition being read is referred to the Considera-
tion of the Lower House.
Signed p Order Geo. Plater Cl. Up. Ho.
Sent to the Lower House by James Bowles Esqr who returns
& says he Delivered them.