certainly come to Annapolis during the Assemblys sitting,
so that there will be an Opportunity of Concerting such
measures as may prevent the Evil Complain'd of for the
As I have had occasion to mention the Councell in this
Transaction; I cannot but think those Gentlemen deserve their
Usual Allowance, in attending the Publick business, and were
the Case put to any man as his own, I believe he must be of
the same opinion.
I shall Conclude with Recommending the necessary dis-
patch to the publick Affairs, as well as Temper and Moderation
in your Debates for as nothing can Conduce more to the well
being of a People, than good will towards one another; so
nothing can be more destructive, to the publick welfare than
unreasonable Jarring and Violent Passions.
Cha: Calvert
Thereupon Mr Speaker and the whole House withdrew
Mr Crabb and Mr Hooper acquaint this House that their
House had made Choice of Michael Jenifer Gentleman for
their Clark and present him to be Qualified.