the Great Scarcity of Tobacco this Year and Concur therewith
with the several Additions following viz.
That two Commissioners be appointed by the Bill to be
brought in to Receive Certificates
That a Provision be made in the Bill for such Persons as
shall have their Tobacco taken away by distress or Execu-
tion after notice of the Law and before the making their
That the form of the Certificate be incerted in the Bill And
that Relief be Provided for such as do not make Tobacco
nor have any to pay away by Giving them Liberty of paying
their Levies and other publick dues in Money at the rate of
two Pence p Pound Currency
With Which if Your Honours concur the Bill may be
prepared Accordingly
Signed p Order M. Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.
Adjourned till Monday morning
Monday October the 19th 1724
Present the same as on Saturday
A Message from the Lower House by Colo John Ward &
Mr Crabb Viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly October the 19th 1724
May it please your Honours.
We have Compared your Honours Message of the 16th
Instant by Colo Young with what his Honour the Governor
was pleased to say at the close of the last Sessions and from
his Honours so tenderly handing to us his Remarks on our
debates we are perswaded that he did not intend such his
Tenderness should be construed as a Reproach to us and We
should have thought your Honours had proceeded much more
Agreable to our Governours tenderness in that part had you
been pleased to have spared the Term as well as the charge
Against us of Ingratitude to his Lordship a Crime which we
shall Always Endeavour to preserve ourselves innocent of
and hope our debating a matter of Right in a Parliamentary
Way can never be liable to such an Imputation We beg
Leave to Observe your Honours seem to Reassume the de-
bates that were last Sessions concerning your Allowances as
Councillors but do not find that you offer any new remark or
Argument to induce us to recede from what we then resolved
and we cannot find on Enquiry that any Single member has