188 Assembly Proceedings, October 6-November 4, 1724.
Sheriff, in discharge of Public and other Dues and Fees, shall
and may be viewed and examined, as the said recited Act
directs Tobacco to discharge other Debts to be viewed and
examined; and that where any Person hath good merchant-
able Tobacco in Hogsheads, (or in Parcels, if the Debt be but
a Parcel) ready to pay the Sheriff, and tenders the same, and
that notwithstanding such Tender, the Sheriff shall take the
Party tendering such Tobacco to be viewed, or allowing a
reasonable Time for such View, not to exceed Ten Days, that
in all such Cases, the Sheriff shall not only have no Fees, but
also be liable to an Action of False Imprisonment, or Trespass,
and pay double Damages and Cost of Suit to the Party
grieved; any Law, Usage, or Custom to the contrary not-
Chap. X
An Act repealing Part of an Act, entitled, An Act laying
an Imposition on Negroes, and several Sorts of Liquors
imported; and also on Irish Servants, to prevent the im-
porting too great a Number of Irish Papists into this
Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprie-
tor, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly,
and the Authority of the same, That the Part of the said Act
imposing Nine-pence per Gallon on Rum, Spirits, Wine and
Brandy, to be imported from Pensilvania, and the Terri-
tories thereto belonging, by Land, shall be utterly repealed
and made void.
II. Provided always, That nothing in this Act shall extend,
or be construed to extend, to exempt Persons bringing any
of the said Liquors from Pensilvania by Land, from paying
the Duty of Three-pence per Gallon for the same, which Duty
shall be, and is hereby declared, to be still due and payable,
subject to the same Discounts and Allowances with the Duty
on any of the said Liquors imported from other Places; any
thing in this or any other Law to the contrary notwith-
Chap. XIV
A Supplementary Act to the Act, entitled, An Act for the
Marking of Highways, and making the Heads of Rivers,
Creeks, Branches, and Swamps, passable for Horse and
Whereas it is represented to this present General Assembly,
That the several Bridges that have been heretofore made over
the Heads of Rivers, Creeks, Branches, Swamps, and other
low and miry Places, are very much broken and out of Repair,